Southwestern Indian Jewelry:
Crafting New Traditions

By Dexter Cirillo
Photography by Addison Doty

(New York: Rizzoli International, 2008)

SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN JEWELRY: Crafting New Traditions is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Southwestern Indian Jewelry in which Dexter Cirillo introduced us to the world of Native American jewelry. This 2008 publication, with elegant photography by Addison Doty, features more than eighty jewelers from eighteen tribes, including the Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Apache, and Rio Grande Pueblos. They represent the “new” generation of jewelers who have emerged within the last twenty-five years, brimming with originality of design, innovative technique, and use of materials.

Cirillo conducted personal interviews with these artists and sheds light on the cultural traditions behind the craft and designs of the jewelry, making this book an invaluable resource for both the sophisticated collector and the novice. Portraits of selected artists and archival photographs complement the richly informative text in this new survey of the field. A detailed glossary and list of national sources are invaluable tools for those wishing to know more about contemporary Southwestern Indian jewelry.

A professional photographer for over twenty years, Addison Doty’s jewelry book credits include Loloma and Fine Indian Jewelry of the Southwest: The Millicent Rogers Museum Collection.

Albuquerque Journal (August 17, 2008)
"An astonishing array of glimpses are offered here. ... Beyond its lush images of these marvelous objects, Cirillo's book is intelligent, authoritative, and informative."

Native Peoples (July/August 2008)
"Spiced with a liberal application of [rich images], this new book is indeed a cornucopia of work in metal, stone and soul."

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